'Love' Cover Art, Portrait & Typography Gallery

A collection of artwork created with the word love in mind. Using images, hand-drawn typography and my illustration sensibility of line, color and composition the work surpassed the word alone and became a greater expression of the concept. Each piece highlights an admiration for aesthetic, nostalgia and character in presentation. Jeremy Northam as pictured in the film Cypher is a personal favorite and referential study incorporating patterned design both 70’s abstract and contemporary, signaling my love for the film as well as the character’s external and internal image. The character embodies both the mundane and unexpected, a suave that comes from pursuing what you love. Northam’s character Michael Sullivan as he transitions into Jack Thursby and beyond becomes increasingly more confident, the moment captured in the artwork is symbolic of his transformation throughout the film. This also highlights the film’s vision, a mild dystopia echoing 80’s corporate cool that contrasts the drabness of suburbia the film also references visually. To signify confidence the work was more appropriate to desaturate, referencing the character's goofiness subsiding as he sheds the colors that distracted and construed his external identity.

John Cusack is referenced from a sense of nostalgia as he was seen in the 70s, informing my sensibility in the design style and warm tones applied to the gallery’s color palette. John Cusack is an underrated heavyweight in the arena that is character composition and idealization. Whether it’s his demeanor or characters denoted in witty charm, Cusack is the epitome of a heartthrob indicative of brassiness complimentary of an interior and exterior polish highlighted in the artwork. Desirability is executed in the buttery application of the figure referential of Cusack with only necessary shapes articulating his face. Vibrant color further accentuates the love that ensues on screen when he showcases the authenticity of a character in the intricacies he does. Typography is indicative of passion and expression, words that accompany meaning that is both personal and relatable to the audience. Each further motions a sense of energy that comes from loving passionately. This is highlighted through verbiage and how the warm hues in the artwork invigorate the contrast brought on by the remaining palette on the canvas.


Fashion Illustration: 2021 Met Gala Jordan Roth Wearing Michael Silvan Robinson


Accent Illustrations Surrounding Mental Health & Failure