‘Plant It’ Sustainable Mock Brand Plant Tags

The project brief was to create a group of plant tags for a mock brand focused on environmental sustainability, change & innovation. “Plant It” was an online platform created by a partner and myself for the home decorator and plant lover, someone who wanted a more appealing alternative that was aesthetically rich while still paying homage to natural materials and overall plant health. This brand created several alternatives not capitalized on in commercial and retail spaces selling plants and related items predominately. This included terrazzo pots made from sustainable, recycled materials which promote drainage better than the plastic black containers most commonly sold as well as plant tags and a forum that promoted access to information regarding indigenous plants and relevant information not commonly shared by plant suppliers.

The plant tags created hold nuance to the other brand elements and message surrounding sustainability. Each is an example of common household plants as well as ones indigenous to the area of reference, Topanga California. All have benefits for human health and the environment. Furthermore, each tag is littered with detail and pertinent information related to the plant’s appearance, care and background history. The goal of these designs was to call to the brand’s bright, color-centric aesthetic mirroring the glass and materials in terrazzo pottery as well as its tendency to be informative and enable creativity. Promoting local landscaping and plant usage was also an important part of this project that echoed the brand’s encouragement of carbon offsetting, environmental preservation and urban beautification using local, indigenous materials. Plant It’s logo, meant to mirror a paintbrush further encapsulates the brand and how creativity can inform and transform.

Visit Our Website For More Images & Information on the mock brand ‘Plant It’

This project extended past the scope of plant tags, encompassing a slew of brand elements & merchandise that invite creativity in regards to homescaping and planting more sustainably, reducing plastic waste, reusing materials and gardening with indigenous ecosystems in mind. This mock subscription service features efforts from me and several teammates where the styling and brand elements were collaborative but the phrasing is not my own nor approved by me.


Patterns & Icons


Inside & Out Self Portrait